Sunday, December 17, 2006
Political Correctness - The Liberal Brand of Censorship
Political Correctness - The Liberal Brand of Censorship: "Being hard pressed to find a single appropriate definition of it, I will use that of Mr. Philip Atkinson put forth on the website Philip said “Political Correctness is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behavior, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution of the state.”" ... (Click on title link above to read entire article )...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Gift Of Joy
The Gift Of Joy: "I am really a kid at heart. I love the sights and sounds of Christmas. In fact when I go home to visit my family in Richmond, one of the things we like to do as family is to load up in the car and go on the “tacky house tour”. You know those are the houses that have everything in the yard from E.T. to Superman to Santa Claus. What other time of the year can you see such amazing sights and have the whole world drive up and down your street, tie up traffic for hours, and your neighbors still speak to you! Amazing! Christmas does seem to bring out the best in all of us. It is a season of joy and goodwill." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Why Do Bad Things Happen?: "Bad things happen, very simply, because we live in a fallen world. Our world has been invaded by sin, and the result of sin is decay and death, both physical and spiritual. Adam and Eve were, in a sense, the 'test case' for humanity. Could they live without going after the one thing in the Garden of Eden they were not supposed to have? They could not. They chose to disobey God and eat from the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil'. God promised that the day they ate from it, they would die. Adam and Eve had lived a perfect life in paradise until that point. They had known no sickness, no death, no hurt. In a real sense they enjoyed 'Heaven on Earth'. Then after yielding to temptation, they both ate the forbidden fruit. At this moment, Hell literally broke loose on earth. It came in the form of sickness, death, loss, tragedy, etc. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - It Will Shine Again
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem - It Will Shine Again: "Stars come in various sizes, shapes, ages and brilliance. It is their brightness that is the most noted of all their attributes. Astronomers still engage a system for measuring the brightness of a star that was developed by one of their own named Hipparchus at about 120 BC. The scale he developed rates the brilliance of stars from 1 to 6. One is the brightest and six the faintest. The brightest stars are said to be of the first magnitude. The brightest star in the skies today is Sirius and it is rated a 1.42. Hipparchus method of rating the luminescence of the stars is used to this very day." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Sharing The Christmas Story With Children In 4 Easy Steps
Sharing The Christmas Story With Children In 4 Easy Steps: "At this time of year, children all over the world are making wish lists and hoping Santa Claus will stuff their stockings with the latest and greatest toys and gadgets. They think back to the joys of last Christmas when all them dreams came true and they’re waiting with anticipation for Christmas morning to arrive.
But how many children know the story of the first Christmas - the night Jesus was born?" ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
But how many children know the story of the first Christmas - the night Jesus was born?" ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
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