Sunday, April 01, 2007

Through Death Into Light

Through Death Into Light: "This is a true story of beings and energies, and the passage after death into greater light. Some of it is metaphor, but the overall principles of ascendance are not. The character of the ancient one has a place in the hierarchy of light, and the blessings offered and help given to the departed are very real." ... (Click title link above to read entire article.) ...

The Fascination With Celebrity: A Spiritual View

The Fascination With Celebrity: A Spiritual View: "Our daily lives are filled with multiple choices that determine what we do.

We could choose to spend our time learning about the advances that science has made in discerning what is happening with our oceans and glaciers as a result of global warming; or in the prediction of weather patterns; or in the discovery of genetic coding for a variety of diseases; or in the expanding view of space that lies beyond our own galaxy. " ... (Click here to read entire article on celebrities.) ...

Spiritual Awakening: The Opening Of The Way

Spiritual Awakening: The Opening Of The Way: "The arrival of a new level of spiritual awareness can be as gentle as a slight breeze, in fact, almost beneath the level of our noticing. It can come as a perception of what is not, rather than what is. For example, a pain in the heart that has been there for a long time can suddenly feel like it is off in the distance. Or a sense of anxiety that has traveled with us for a long time can suddenly be missing. The absence of what has been can be a signal, as much as anything else, that a new energy has entered the picture that is creating changed inner conditions, and this can be true even though its source is unknown and even though nothing special may have happened to bring it about. "... (Click here to read entire article on spiritual awakening.) ...