Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Sixth Angel Poured Out His Vial Upon the Great River Euphrates

The Sixth Angel Poured Out His Vial Upon the Great River Euphrates

Intertexuality of the Qur'an, Bible and Tanak

Intertexuality of the Qur'an, Bible and Tanak

Islam and Christianity’s Doctrine of Creation

Islam and Christianity’s Doctrine of Creation

What Christianity and Judaism says about Salvation?

What Christianity and Judaism says about Salvation?

Salvation in Islam and Christianity

Salvation in Islam and Christianity

The God of Power and Almighty

The God of Power and Almighty

Prophets are not God's PR men - Evangelism is not cheerleading

Prophets are not God's PR men - Evangelism is not cheerleading

The Prayer Shawl: Yesterday and Today

The Prayer Shawl: Yesterday and Today