Right to Life & 18 Reasons No One Needs an AK-47 to Kill Bambi: "The concept exists due to sloppy, ill-defined language. Language written by folks in love with the written word. Folks who were creating propaganda for political purposes. The colonists in North America were upset with the government of King George III of England. King George's government was very efficient. His officials were quite willing to cut to the bottom line and get the job done, now. "Hang the bastard." No trial, just a sentence. The colonists simply wanted their day in court.
They were not thinking about abortion, or dying of old age, stem cell research, or living in a brain-dead, vegetative state with the help of machines. " ... (click on link above to read entire article)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Abortion & Red-necked, Bible-thumping, Illiterate Pin-heads
Abortion & Red-necked, Bible-thumping, Illiterate Pin-heads: "God gives us all free will. The key word is A-L-L. God does not discriminate against women. Women are the special, necessary, irreplaceable co-equal of man. Man without Woman is less of a man than he should be. Woman without Man is less of a woman than she should be.
Attempts to limit a woman's ability to exercise her free will to choose, especially something as intimate as her own body and reproductive choices, is not a part of God's Plan. Sin is that which interferes with God�s Plan.
If you do not like this, take it up with God, not some red-necked, Bible-thumping, illiterate, pin-headed members of a legislature, or even the U. S. Supreme Court. They must thump the Bible, as they cannot read it. Or, if they can read, they don't understand it. " (click on link above to read entire article)
Attempts to limit a woman's ability to exercise her free will to choose, especially something as intimate as her own body and reproductive choices, is not a part of God's Plan. Sin is that which interferes with God�s Plan.
If you do not like this, take it up with God, not some red-necked, Bible-thumping, illiterate, pin-headed members of a legislature, or even the U. S. Supreme Court. They must thump the Bible, as they cannot read it. Or, if they can read, they don't understand it. " (click on link above to read entire article)
Nine Ways Organized Religion Converts Success to Catastrophe
Nine Ways Organized Religion Converts Success to Catastrophe: "1. Faith is not the same as being religious, or belonging to an organized religion. It might help, but is not necessary, nor even demanded. Nothing about religion is simple. Some leaders of organized religions freely admit their own lack of faith, a periodic or permanent loss of faith. But they don�t give up the money or the perks of their positions.
2. Organized religion provides a comfortable man-made structure. It provides reason and purpose for both life and the universe we perceive around us. It provides soft, easy, comfortable answers. And why not? Leaders of organized religion have been practicing their craft for at least six thousand years, and perhaps twice that long. You would expect them to get it right with that much time devoted to skimming the cream. From this basis of comfortable answers we have a starting point from which we deal, measure, compare, and contrast for meaning with the universe.
A formalized, organized, hierarchal religion is usually dominated by some inner circle. This group can be compared to the Greenwich meridian which is a beginning place for measuring time. It is also a baseline meridian for surveyors to find the location of real property. The inner circle is important and useful. The current system costs too much." (click on link above to read entire article)
2. Organized religion provides a comfortable man-made structure. It provides reason and purpose for both life and the universe we perceive around us. It provides soft, easy, comfortable answers. And why not? Leaders of organized religion have been practicing their craft for at least six thousand years, and perhaps twice that long. You would expect them to get it right with that much time devoted to skimming the cream. From this basis of comfortable answers we have a starting point from which we deal, measure, compare, and contrast for meaning with the universe.
A formalized, organized, hierarchal religion is usually dominated by some inner circle. This group can be compared to the Greenwich meridian which is a beginning place for measuring time. It is also a baseline meridian for surveyors to find the location of real property. The inner circle is important and useful. The current system costs too much." (click on link above to read entire article)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Communion: "Your participation in religious rites is your choice. I have suggested that you might want to think clearly about what and why you are doing it.
As to Communion specifically? It is your choice, your decision. The symbolism and mystery of the Transmutation, and the rite itself, if performed sincerely, are deeply moving and can be important to the individual. You can do it yourself, at the family dinner table. Use good whole wheat dinner rolls and a good red wine.
From a human observer level, I have to vote with the Aztecs of the 1500's. They reportedly asked, after becoming familiar with the Christian rite as practiced by their new Catholic masters, and I paraphrase: "Why are you upset by our religious feast rites serving up our enemies as food for a celebration for our Gods, when you turn around and eat a part of your God? " I think that was a particularly good question. "...(click on link above to read entire article)
As to Communion specifically? It is your choice, your decision. The symbolism and mystery of the Transmutation, and the rite itself, if performed sincerely, are deeply moving and can be important to the individual. You can do it yourself, at the family dinner table. Use good whole wheat dinner rolls and a good red wine.
From a human observer level, I have to vote with the Aztecs of the 1500's. They reportedly asked, after becoming familiar with the Christian rite as practiced by their new Catholic masters, and I paraphrase: "Why are you upset by our religious feast rites serving up our enemies as food for a celebration for our Gods, when you turn around and eat a part of your God? " I think that was a particularly good question. "...(click on link above to read entire article)
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception: "I don't believe in Immaculate Conception.
It was a needful selling point for organized religions for the times. Every claimant to Godliness, or God-hood, claimed the same thing: Conceived by a God. Alexander the Great, Caesar, Caligula, and John the Baptist are just four historical figures for whom the claim for Immaculate Conception was made. I have read that there were many, many more.
It was a requirement, like a rock singer's long hair. It was needed then. It is not neeeded now. It sounds like a selling point thought up a couple of centuries later when the gospels were being written."... (click on link above to read entire article)
It was a needful selling point for organized religions for the times. Every claimant to Godliness, or God-hood, claimed the same thing: Conceived by a God. Alexander the Great, Caesar, Caligula, and John the Baptist are just four historical figures for whom the claim for Immaculate Conception was made. I have read that there were many, many more.
It was a requirement, like a rock singer's long hair. It was needed then. It is not neeeded now. It sounds like a selling point thought up a couple of centuries later when the gospels were being written."... (click on link above to read entire article)
Christianity and Circumcision
Christianity and Circumcision: "In Roman times, in the early Christian era, the new religion of Christianity was a really "tough sell". Roman culture worshipped the penis, the phallus, and sexual activity. The phallus, and the use of it, was central to their concept of civil order. Advertising of various commodities commonly featured an exaggerated phallus. Common household items were crafted in the shape of a penis. Sexual acts were imprinted on the coinage in common use.
The Christian religion was new, the underlying culture was still strong and vibrant, there was a low demand level for a change of religion, people were generally happy with the religion they then enjoyed. The Christians still considered themselves a part of the Jewish faith, and new recruits were expected to comply with dietary laws and the rite of circumcision. " (click on link above to read entire article)
The Christian religion was new, the underlying culture was still strong and vibrant, there was a low demand level for a change of religion, people were generally happy with the religion they then enjoyed. The Christians still considered themselves a part of the Jewish faith, and new recruits were expected to comply with dietary laws and the rite of circumcision. " (click on link above to read entire article)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Nine Good Reasons for Birth Control
Nine Good Reasons for Birth Control: "There was a time when being human was a high risk existence. This resulted a very high mortality rate. Rapid breeding was an answer for that problem. That added to one heck of a sex drive that constantly works at high speed provides for year round breeding. With multiple partners, and frequent copulation for purposes of child rearing, breeding was even more rapid.
When life for humans was simpler children could be on their own at an early as age. Medicine was poor and life expectancy was short. Rapid breedind was a clear survival plan. Without birth control women spent a lifetime being pregnant. Because of poor medicine, childbirth was as dangerous for women as war was for men. " ... (click on the link above to read the full article)
When life for humans was simpler children could be on their own at an early as age. Medicine was poor and life expectancy was short. Rapid breedind was a clear survival plan. Without birth control women spent a lifetime being pregnant. Because of poor medicine, childbirth was as dangerous for women as war was for men. " ... (click on the link above to read the full article)
Twelve Reasons for a More Realistic Creationism
Twelve Reasons for a More Realistic Creationism: "A formula used to calculate the incidence of advanced technological civilizations in the Universe gives an answer of between 1,000 and one billion. Probability simply indicates that we humans are not alone.
The same questions still apply: We look about us at the complex web of the universe and wonder, �How did all of this come about? A common answer: "God" must have created it."
This is an a-priori assumption that the web of the universe could not have come about, arisen by chance from Chaos. I think Chance is a possibility. I think God is a possibility. I prefer God. " ... (click on link above to read full article)
The same questions still apply: We look about us at the complex web of the universe and wonder, �How did all of this come about? A common answer: "God" must have created it."
This is an a-priori assumption that the web of the universe could not have come about, arisen by chance from Chaos. I think Chance is a possibility. I think God is a possibility. I prefer God. " ... (click on link above to read full article)
Deliberately Confusing the Concepts of God
Deliberately Confusing the Concepts of God: "Exploring understanding the nature of God is usually done from the pulpit. Few questions are welcome at that time. Indeed, even then, almost always, church leaders choose the opposite track. God isn't enough? Just add Jesus. That isn�t enough? Add The Holy Spirit. That isn't enough? Anthropomorphize God. Add confusion, muddle details, and make exorbitant claims."...(click link above to read entire article)
What will God do for us?
What will God do for us?: "What will God do for us? Nothing. Why should He? What does He do for the other species? Why should you expect to get any better answer to your fears and prayers than does a deer fearing a wolf and praying that he isn't seen or smelled? "(click link above to read entire article)
Physics, Chemistry, Evolution, and God
Physics, Chemistry, Evolution, and God: "How does God make the Universe work? It is called physics and chemistry, and He created it. The smartest ones of us can be challenged and study it. Learn from it. To learn of God. To know God. Knowledge of God is not found by spending time on your knees. Knowledge of God is found by scientific study of God's Universe.
How does God make His created life on Earth work? It is called evolution and He created it so the smartest ones of us could be challenged and study it. Learn from it. To know ourselves. To learn of God. To know God. All of science is the search for knowledge of God. "(click on link above to read entire article)
How does God make His created life on Earth work? It is called evolution and He created it so the smartest ones of us could be challenged and study it. Learn from it. To know ourselves. To learn of God. To know God. All of science is the search for knowledge of God. "(click on link above to read entire article)
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Six Similarities of a Priesthood and Organized Crime
Six Similarities of a Priesthood and Organized Crime: "Six Similarities of a Priesthood and Organized Crime
1. Similarity of purpose 2. Similarity of plan. 3. Similarity of actions.
4. Similarity of behaviors. 5. Similarity of style. 6. Similarity of results.
How to recognize the "con game" of organized religion."... (click on link above to read entire article)
1. Similarity of purpose 2. Similarity of plan. 3. Similarity of actions.
4. Similarity of behaviors. 5. Similarity of style. 6. Similarity of results.
How to recognize the "con game" of organized religion."... (click on link above to read entire article)
Understanding The Nature of God
Understanding The Nature of God: "Understanding The Nature of God
The most difficult part of understanding the nature of God is to come to terms with what God actually is, and is not. We will start with an assumption: God is. He exists.
These statements are good as far as they go, but at least we ought to be able to go beyond existence and say that God can not be human. He is timeless, unlimited, and eternal from our human viewpoint. More we ought to be able to say that a frail human body could not be a sufficient container for God. If this is true, then nothing living that we know of on Earth can be God. Yet, we are assured that God is a living God by many religions. "... (click on link above to read entire article)
The most difficult part of understanding the nature of God is to come to terms with what God actually is, and is not. We will start with an assumption: God is. He exists.
These statements are good as far as they go, but at least we ought to be able to go beyond existence and say that God can not be human. He is timeless, unlimited, and eternal from our human viewpoint. More we ought to be able to say that a frail human body could not be a sufficient container for God. If this is true, then nothing living that we know of on Earth can be God. Yet, we are assured that God is a living God by many religions. "... (click on link above to read entire article)
Friday, January 06, 2006
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