Saturday, January 21, 2006

Nine Ways Organized Religion Converts Success to Catastrophe

Nine Ways Organized Religion Converts Success to Catastrophe: "1. Faith is not the same as being religious, or belonging to an organized religion. It might help, but is not necessary, nor even demanded. Nothing about religion is simple. Some leaders of organized religions freely admit their own lack of faith, a periodic or permanent loss of faith. But they don�t give up the money or the perks of their positions.

2. Organized religion provides a comfortable man-made structure. It provides reason and purpose for both life and the universe we perceive around us. It provides soft, easy, comfortable answers. And why not? Leaders of organized religion have been practicing their craft for at least six thousand years, and perhaps twice that long. You would expect them to get it right with that much time devoted to skimming the cream. From this basis of comfortable answers we have a starting point from which we deal, measure, compare, and contrast for meaning with the universe.

A formalized, organized, hierarchal religion is usually dominated by some inner circle. This group can be compared to the Greenwich meridian which is a beginning place for measuring time. It is also a baseline meridian for surveyors to find the location of real property. The inner circle is important and useful. The current system costs too much." (click on link above to read entire article)

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