Saturday, January 21, 2006

Abortion & Red-necked, Bible-thumping, Illiterate Pin-heads

Abortion & Red-necked, Bible-thumping, Illiterate Pin-heads: "God gives us all free will. The key word is A-L-L. God does not discriminate against women. Women are the special, necessary, irreplaceable co-equal of man. Man without Woman is less of a man than he should be. Woman without Man is less of a woman than she should be.

Attempts to limit a woman's ability to exercise her free will to choose, especially something as intimate as her own body and reproductive choices, is not a part of God's Plan. Sin is that which interferes with God�s Plan.

If you do not like this, take it up with God, not some red-necked, Bible-thumping, illiterate, pin-headed members of a legislature, or even the U. S. Supreme Court. They must thump the Bible, as they cannot read it. Or, if they can read, they don't understand it. " (click on link above to read entire article)

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