Sunday, September 24, 2006

American Sleeping Giant Awakes – But is too Heavy to walk on Islamic Jihadist Eggshells

American Sleeping Giant Awakes – But is too Heavy to walk on Islamic Jihadist Eggshells: "One of America’s largest Christian broadcasters, Trinity Broadcasting Network has decided to drop one of its shows because it does not want to agitate Muslim Jihadist. Of course they say it is because they don’t want to offend Muslims in general and that because they are beginning to broadcast into Arab countries. Nevertheless the dye is cast and with a brand of political correctness of their own making they plan to bounce the long running show created by the late Zola Levitt. The last show is set to air on August 28, 2006. Zola Levitt’s ministry will be carried on by his son Mark on the internet according to the ministry’s newsletter." ...(Click on title link above to read entire religion article) ...

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