Monday, February 20, 2006

What went wrong with the Early Church

What went wrong with the Early Church: "What Went Wrong with the Early Church of Christ?

When we read and study the early church in the New Testament we get a social model of the first Christians and the community they strove to create around their faith and teachings of Christ. We learn the difficulties and persecutions of the early Christians not only by the Romans, but the Jewish establishment and temples alike. Needless to say that the disciples to whom Christ instructed, were constantly in fear of reprisal and condemnation of death for following Christ.

This atmosphere created a very close network of believers who met in secret to hear the story of Christ by his disciples who related the miracles and wonders they had seen while they walked with Christ. The Early Church wasn't brick and mortar, but blood and flesh, the individual followers of Christ." ... (Click on title link to read entire article) ...

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