Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tongue is a Weapon of Hurt

Tongue is a Weapon of Hurt: "We inflict pain on each other in many ways, yet the greatest hurt that has come to the world it that which comes from our words. Your tongue is the dagger that you have to be careful of. This is obviously not the thing we have in mind when we speak. We talk because communication is the only way that we can survive. But it is not the talking that is destructive but the revenge that pours through the usage of our tongues.

It is so strange that we do not often think about the effects of what comes out of our mouth. Our words can cause wounds that might never heal. That is the poison that our tongues produce to the world. It is like the birth of pain. We might think that in time all wounds will heal, but those created by words are the ones that take the longest. It is a human flaw that can be corrected. You will be able to find the strength to right the wrong that your tongue has caused through God. It is in the giving of you that the understanding that as a human being we are not perfect. "... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...

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