Thursday, February 02, 2006

How To Reach Your Spiritual Goals With Laser Guided Precission

How To Reach Your Spiritual Goals With Laser Guided Precission: "In this text you can read a highly effective, systematic and structured process to achieve your goals. You will be shown how you can use a NLP technique to make your spiritual development effective. NLP studies the structure of how people think and how they experience the world. The models that were developed during this research resulted in a series of techniques that allow you to quickly change thoughts, behaviors and beliefsystems that hold you back.

S M A R T The first step in attaining your goal is to decide what your goal is and then follow the steps from the SMART- principle. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed. " ... (Click link above to read entire article) ...

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